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Roger Mansell was the founder of the Center for Research, Allied POWs Under the Japanese. To visit the webpage, please go to www.mansell.com

This is the letter Roger Mansell sent out to his friends and colleagues just a few weeks ago.

To all —

I have ended my research regarding the POWS due to declining health. As such, I have transferred all my electronic records, data sets and web site management to two most trusted researchers, Wes Injerd (Hillsbore, OR) and Dwight Rider (Manassas, VA).

All of my physical records, memoirs, interviews, memorabilia and over 500 books, along with duplicates of the electronic records, have been given to the Hoover Institution Archives at Stanford University.

It has been a joy to work with these most gallant of men and women. . . the prisoners of the Japanese. I have endeavored to document the camps and to present evidence of exactly what happened to our prisoners. I leave it to others to make judgments and rationalizations of the actions of the Japanese.

Few will ever have the opportunities I have had to meet so many authentic heroes from all of our Allies. They have enriched my life as they were my boyhood heroes. I know that Wes and Dwight will continue the work and that you all can turn to them for help.

Any cash donations would always be welcomed as both are full time working men (I was retired) and hence their volunteer efforts are just that... volunteer.

As I depart, I wish you all continued success in researching your family's heroes and to write their story. It is only in writing that history is preserved and the POWs are truly honored.

Roger Mansell


I know Roger will be missed by many, but even more so by myself as I take over his massive work. What a privilege it was to be just an email away from an answer or a confirmation to a piece of information about POWs or WWII in general. I am still often awed by just how much detailed work he has done, and how much he has left for us from which we may receive great benefit. May his love of sharing continue on in the lives of many others who are doing research in this vast field of treasures, fulfilling those great words spoken long ago, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Wes Injerd
Portland, OR
Center for Research Allied POWs Under the Japanese